Thursday, September 11, 2014

KKP....KidBlogs, Knives and Porn

OK, So the above words should probably never go together. In fact the word KID and Knives and P O R N should NEVER go together. Yet if I had to sum up my Tuesday, those three words would be specifically the best way to describe it. Now in some cases each of those three words wouldn't be so bad. If you like knives.. who am I to judge? ;) Let me explain..

The reading specialist at the school I  teach at informed me that I would have the media center for two whole days because they need to complete reading diagnostic testing. My first thought. " Awesome.. computer access for my kids!". My second thought.. " Oh Crap, that ruins my in class lesson.. what the heck am I going to teach these kids for that period after they are done with reading testing?"

I decided I would try to implement a class blog.  I went online and researched different kid blogs. The easiest one I could implement without the use of student emails or that wouldn't entail me setting up the students individually was called KidBlog thru The site is awesome. As a teacher all I had to do was sign up my class periods, and it generated a sign up access code for each of my classes. Each student would sign in with their class assess code, and they would create their own screen name and password. I created instructions for the students and gave them four  tasks.

1. Set up your username and password on the blog.
2. Create and Avatar on the blog.
3. Choose a writing prompt. ( I gave them three), and write your first blog post. Post must be at least a paragraph and answer all prompt questions.
4. comment on a classmates post.

As a language arts teacher, I was super excited that my students writing would be posted online, where they could all share it. It would create a sense of pride for some of my students, and it would allow some of my shyer or socially anxious students to participate. Once all reading testing was over, I was overjoyed that my students loved the idea of setting up their own blog. Even one of my students who suffers from extreme anxiety and has not spoken one word to me or to her classmates, seemed enthusiastic about blogging.

At the end of the day my kids were blogging and responding to one another and I was overjoyed! It was first time implementing a new trendy technology to my class.. I was high on techie teacher geekiness. My STUDENTS LOVED IT, I DID IT... THEY LOVE ME. kids may love me.. but thier parents probably don't. At least not now.  Tuesday, Just as I was walking past the school secretary, she calls me over and say she has a parent on hold for me.

" Mrs. Munoz? Are you aware there are photographs of VAGINAS on your kidblog?"
I wish I could insert an emoticon that depicts how mortified I was.. You see .. she didn't say VAGINAS... she said the P word. And she said it because that was the username that had gone onto the kid blog and started to post nasty comments to some of the girls in my class. Not only did they post the nasty comments, but the Avatar had been changed to a VAGINA.. (an avatar is the picture or emblem associated with your profile online, I think most of you know that.. but just in case.)

I wanted to hide under my desk and never come out. I was even more mortified when the secretary called the principle and then the IT guy at work so we could figure out how to fix this. I swung into action and deleted the user and all of the comments. Much to my dismay, I got a sub for my following period and had to sit with the IT guy and discuss how this may have happened.

While I was out from my class, one of my students was caught with a KNIFE.

No I do not work in the ghetto. I work in Orlando in a STEM MAGNET School. Not that being super smart, would negate violence, but I wasn't expecting PORN or KNIVES in the 6th grade... especially not both on the same day.

Did I mention I teach 6th grade?
.. MEH

So this is very fitting to one of our themes in EME5050 this week.. which entailed how to implement a class blog.. I'm not ready, but i'm not detered. I disabled the comments on the site.. just until I  figure out how this may have happened. I have faith or perhaps too much naivety to think it was one of my 6th graders, but after talking to the IT guy.. he says it more than likely WAS one of my students.

I was playing with dolls in 6th grade... how do we protect our students from these kind of dangers... and also how do we protect innocent new teachers...??!!! I am going to research it. I started by emailing KIDBLOG.ORG


  1. OMG! Reading your title got me intrigued. Just like you said those "words should probably never go together. In fact the word KID and Knives and P O R N should NEVER go together." With just that I needed to keep reading.
    I like how you used the blog to help your students with writing since you are the language arts teacher. I mentioned the something similar in blog the benefits of using blogging in the classroom with students. Your whole idea seemed great and many teachers have that this is a great idea lets run with it.
    But the craziness that happened with this mysterious comments and username being posted on your students blog was CRAZY to say the least. Where you able to come to the end and figure out who it was or how to avoid it from happening again?
    I think the students being able to blog and have their writing online for others to read they are able to write more and write better because they know that their peers are reading and commenting.
    Hopefully next time you try blogging you won't have the same horror story that happens. Here is a link to my blog so you can see what I said about writing and blogging
    Best of luck!


  2. Talk about an attention grabber! I can't believe that happened to you this week! What a trip! Wow!

    I love that you are trying to use the blogging tool as an incorporation for writing. My grade level team just started the same thing with Kidblogs. The academics for writing this year are going to be tough and we want to make sure that our third graders are all on the same page and working to a high goal, not just skimming by. So we are planning on creating writing prompts on the Kidblogs for the students to reply to and I can say running the idea past my students to see their interest was crazy! They were all on board and we haven't even set it up yet!

    For the record, most blogging websites have an option where the administrator (thats you) has to approve comments before they can be posted officially on the blog. I would definitely check into that for your blog if you haven't already because finding that option can fix your problem and you won't ever have to worry about something not being approved loading up on there to freak the students out again. I have to say it does sound like you handled the situation well and the students were calm and collected about it. You must have a fantastic bunch!

  3. Wow!!!! This is very interesting. I had thought about several problems that could have occurred. I thought that maybe students would have some difficulty typing and processing their thoughts. I thought that students might have some difficulty accessing the internet to stay connected to their blogs. I had not even considered that porn might be a problem. Was this initiated by a student or were people from the "outside" able to communicate with your students? Does your district have an approved list of resources? I hate that this happened to you and your students. Do you think that if your district had more stringent rules and guidelines this could have been prevented? Is it just one of those things that just happened?

  4. Wow what a crazy week! I applaud your candor and discretion in figuring out how to deal with the situation. As the father of an almost 3 year old and a 9 month old my life revolves around work, school, and diapers. The worst thing my oldest son says to me is "Stinky Butt"; but I suppose that's where it starts. :)

    I found this article on tapping into the minds of a middle schooler; perhaps it will help:

    Best of luck and keep posting on your trials and tribulations.
